Friday, January 07, 2011

Life on the Road

The snow that didn't hit Fall River Friday evening did hit parts of Connecticut, slowing travel to a crawl for Po' Girl, as they raced on the highways to make their Narrows debut.

A plane delay earlier in the day didn't help.

Group member Benny Sidelinger flew in for the gig separately, and had the fun (!) of performing as the opening act while we waited for the rest of the group--who were actually not that late as it turned out. Guitarist/banjoist Benny sees himself as a sideman, and didn't cherish being the center of attention, although his mom, dad and fiancee in the audience seemed delighted. Area musician Louie Leeman, who performed at the Narrows on New Year's Day, kindly brought in his guitar for Benny, whose own guitar was with the rest of the group.

Despite the stress (and lack of food), Po' Girl enchanted with their mixture of folk, jazz and what have you--some call it "urban roots"--performing a strong set.

Unfortunately, after the gig some of the group was facing a 45 minute drive to their sleeping quarters in Plymouth (oops, they didn't know it wasn't exactly next door).

Life on the road.

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