Monday, September 05, 2005

Artist Michele Soares: I Have My Heart Out On My Sleeve And That Can Be Dangerous

On September 20, the Narrows welcomes visual artist Michele Soares. She's 28 years old, and calls herself an "abstract landscape painter" and "fiber artist." She's a graduate of UMASS/Dartmouth and has a degree in textile design and fiber arts.

"In my paintings I use yarn, fabric, paper, dyes and inks. I love the texture and shapes that these embellishments create on canvas," she says. "The yarn helps convey more drama and tension. I'm also a hand loom weaver creating trendy scarves, table runners, pillows, and handbags with my woven cloth."

Many artists link their work to emotional pain they've experienced. Does she? "Yes, I've had a very serious and emotional life so far. I believe certain events in my life have also made me begin to paint. There is just a need to get the emotions out and painting is my outlet."

She has a brother who is also a painter. "We are extreme opposites in style and medium," she says. But he did inspire her to begin painting.

Speaking of inspiration, Michele gets her inspiration from her love for music and nature. "These two things help me express my emotions on canvas. My work is a reflection of my thoughts, fears and dreams."

Please come to her show, but understand that showing her work is very painful for her. "I love doing it and I love the feedback and great compliments. But sometimes you get snickers and rude comments. Everyone has an opinion and sometimes it hurts to hear them. Exposing my work sometimes feels like I have my heart out on my sleeve and that can be dangerous."

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