Friday, October 21, 2005

Deke Rocked This Town, Rocked This Town Last Night

Okay, so this one's a bit egotistical. But California dude Deke Dickerson is a guitar hero to your humble blogger, who attempts a manly strum on Deke's guitar in the photo above. The blue wristband, by the way, says "Knowledge is Power." Most importantly, it only cost your humble blogger a buck at the Providence Public Library.

Anyway he rocked the Narrows on Thursday night. Some photos for your amusement.

That's the famous "Sugar Balls" on drums, who lost a lot of weight since his last visit, and recorded his own CD featuring trucker songs.

Down below is the opening act, Lonesome Jukebox, out of the southern Boston suburbs. Gee, they didn't talk with a southern accent!

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