Sunday, October 30, 2005

Pendragon Taking "Artistic License"

Sometimes Pendragon step dancer Kevin Doyle was too fast for the camera

Pendragon did a wonderful show at the Narrows Saturday night. They were "Celtic before Celtic was cool," but actually have more variety than that implies, in large part because of blues cat Ken Lyon, who also proclaimed the non-bluesy "A White Shade of Pale" as part of the English folk canon. The tune is included in Pendragon's new CD "Artistic License," which also features "The Ann & Hope Waltz," written by member Mary Lee Partington and "Dark Horse," written by member Bob Drouin and dedicated to the late George Harrison, a frequent visitor to Providence to see his son at Brown.

While Pendragon is based in Little Rhody, audience members came from CT and New Hampshire to take in the show, despite the first "shots out of the cannon" (not canon) of Old Man Winter. Icy rain. Went bye bye by late night.

If you are unfamiliar with their work, go to and follow the Pendragon link.

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